We offer expert short-term support and training for cannabis grow facilities across Oklahoma

Why You Should Hire Us

Are you behind schedule or understaffed? Do you feel like your staff could be doing more? 

Hire us today, and we will visit your grow site and demonstrate what you should be able to expect from your employees, whilst training your team through every step needed to resolve issues and optimize your processes. 

We understand the challenges in the cannabis market and how every dollar counts. With over 20 years of combined experience as head growers across a number of grows in California and Oklahoma, we have the insight needed to understand what each individual employee can achieve. You are all paying too much for your labor costs, let us prove it to you. 

Our services are available statewide across Oklahoma, offering 100% unbiased and uninfluenced advice. We are not affiliated with any companies or products, and our recommendations are based solely on experience and proven success. OMMA accredited. 

The Clone Rangers Way

Cuts are only taken from the strongest, healthiest mothers to ensure the best possible start to life for our clones.

We filter through every individual cut to find only the deepest rooted plants to begin each crop.

Cuts are later transplanted to small blocks to allow the roots to spread.

Having been stacked on larger blocks to allow the root system to expand further, the plants are nurtured with a unique watering, nutrient and lighting timetable, tested and proven over countless crops, across years of success.

The feeding and lighting plan is customized and altered throughout the growing cycle to adapt to the changing needs of the plants, helping them to reach their full potential.

Over time, accompanied by careful pruning and cropping, bud sites appear and the flowering stage begins to yield larger and larger results.

Our expert team has the knowledge and experience to teach you how to continuously extract the best possible results from each individual strain.

When the crop is ready to cut down, we will share our tips on drying, trimming and curing to maximize the potential of every bud.

Our Typical Work Output

Taking Cuts - 195 plants per hour

Transplanting - 300 plants per hour (including dripper installation)

Pruning/Defoliation - 67 plants per hour (based on week 3 of flowering)

Crop Cutdown - 116 plants per hour

Packages and Pricing Options

We offer flexible pricing options to suit various grow facility sizes and project durations. Whether your facility uses 20 lights, 100 lights, or 600+ lights, and whether you need assistance for 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months, we can create a custom pricing package tailored to your needs.

Our services cover all aspects of the grow cycle, including transplants, taking cuts, pruning (defoliation), crop cut downs, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We can also provide expert growing advice if required.

No matter the scale or specifics of your project, reach out to us, and we will develop a unique pricing plan just for you.

Contact Us

We are always available at The Clone Rangers to answer any question, query or issue you may have. From customized consultancy packages and growing advice to strain choices and large order discounts, please feel free to reach out via our contact form or email address.

Email - info@theclonerangers.com

Phone - (405) 439-4211

Instagram - @theclonerangersgrow